Lincoln Quilters Guild Workshop
Lincoln Quilters Guild Workshop
Workshop Instructor: Lori Dickman
Workshop Title: Lady Bug, Lady Bug Fly Away Home
Date: Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (with break for lunch)
Class Fee
- LQG Members: $35.00 /person
- International Quilt Museum Members: $35.00 /person
- Non Members: $45.00 /person
Pattern: $10.00 (cash or check made out to instructor)
Location: International Quilt Museum, 1523 N. 33rd Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
For more information and for registration form, click here
Send completed registration form and a check payable to LQG for the amount of the class to: Marti Franti, 2411 S 74th St, Lincoln NE 68506 or by email: [email protected]